Wiki Loves Monuments

Winners in Sweden

on Oct 18, 2011

After a tough jury work, where more than 5000 pictures has been evaluated back and forth against each other, the contest has now come to an end. It has been a joyfull work and it is an incredible amount of good pictures that now can be used on Wikipedia. All the pictures that has been uploaded can be found on Wikimedia Commons. We have divided the winners roughly after the number of submissions in each category and therefore decided to have 6 runners up in the category Buildings.


ร…re, Lรคkarvillan.jpg

The best picture in the contest and the winner in the category Buildings: ร…re, Lรคkarvillan.jpg Photo: Ulff. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Stora Kronohuset.jpg

Runner up in the category Buildings: Stora Kronohuset.jpg Photo: David Castor. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Tvรฅ vattentorn.jpg

Runner up in the category Buildings: Tvรฅ vattentorn.jpg Photo: David Castor. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Centralpalatset i Stockholm.jpg

Runner up in the category Buildings: Centralpalatset i Stockholm.jpg Photo: Frankie Fouganthin. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Hians mot forsen.jpg

Runner up in the category Buildings: Hians mot forsen.jpg Photo: Catasa. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

RA รถstfasad trafik.jpg

Runner up in the category Buildings: RA รถstfasad trafik.jpg Photo: Albabos. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Skegrie mรถlla 03.jpg

Runner up in the category Buildings: Skegrie mรถlla 03.jpg Photo: Rolf Hellman. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Ancient monuments

Anundshรถg (Raรค-nr Vรคsterรฅs 431-1) skeppssรคttning 3623.jpg

Winner in the category Ancient monuments: Anundshรถg (Raรค-nr Vรคsterรฅs 431-1) skeppssรคttning 3623.jpg Photo: Achird. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Hjortsberga gravfรคlt (Raรค-nr Hjortsberga 8-1) 5578.jpg

Runner up in the category Ancient monuments: Hjortsberga gravfรคlt (Raรค-nr Hjortsberga 8-1) 5578.jpg Photo: Achird. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0

Other monuments


Gud Fader pรฅ Himmelsbรฅgen 02.jpg

Winner in the category Other monuments: Gud Fader pรฅ Himmelsbรฅgen 02.jpg Photo: Evunji. License: CC-BY-SA-3.0


The jury would like to thank all participants for their fine contributions and especially Socrates se who uploaded more than 700 pictures, more than anybody else in Sweden!

The price ceremony was at the Nordic Musuem October 12.

Jan Ainali, Wikimedia Sverige

Jonas Hedberg, The Nordic museum

Lars Lundqvist, The National Heritage Board
