Wiki took Cologne!
One day, 9000 monuments: no chance? The Cologne Wikipedia crowd and our sponsor Pausanio called Cologne citizens to action and invited them to a „Wiki takes Cologne” day on Sunday from 10-17 h. A clear blue sky sent us the first photographers at 9:45, and over the whole day people – among them a significant number of women – arrived to inform about Wiki Loves Monuments. They received monuments lists for one or more districts of Cologne, an optional day ticket for the local traffic, and started photographing monuments! The price for the best image from this campaign is an iPod touch.
The Museum of the City of Cologne offered space for the Press conference and a nice information pavilion in front of their doors on Sunday, and the local and regional monuments authorities supported the campaign – morally and with their press mailing list.
This wonderful event was possible with the help of Cccefalon, the master of monuments lists, Kero from Aachen, Michael „Fisheye“ Kramer, Teta_pk, Raymond, Superbass, Factumquintus, Achim Raschka and Elya, Felix and Holger from Pausanio and the magnificent Annika and Hanna who did a great job with the catering.
In the end of this beautiful day, we had more than 75 participants from Cologne who will upload their results in the next days – over 200 images have already been uploaded since the first press coverage. It will take more events and motivated Cologne photographers to ever take all 9000 monuments, but this definitely was a great start!